The Brief
This project included significant locational and structural design challenges. CF Pacific Centre is located at one of the busiest intersections in downtown Vancouver, and the existing shopping centre was open for business throughout construction. To further complicate the specifications, the new structure was to be erected over the top of a portion of the shopping centre’s underground level. This meant that our builders could not place extra weight upon the concrete roof of the existing mall during the construction.
Customized Solutions
With the expertise of our engineering, manufacturing, and installation teams, we were able to customize an innovative solution to make the build possible, despite the complicated restraints. It wasn’t just the project itself that took innovation, either—the complex construction required its own unique setup. Our team engineered and built a custom bridge structure to support the mobile crane without putting any excess weight on the concrete roof of the underground mall.
Cantilevered Roof
The structural installation for the new store included numerous custom-fabricated box and plate girders, extraordinarily large transfer beams, and several heavy members. The structure was installed at an angle designed to support a massive, cantilevered roof. The design elegantly blends in with surrounding architecture while also complying with the distinct, signature look of Apple flagship stores. Once the structure was installed, we completed our portion of the project by disassembling and removing the mobile crane and bridge structure.
Great End Result
The stunning Apple Flagship Store is a feat of impressive design and construction that we are proud to have helped build. We credit our innovative engineers and fully integrated design, manufacturing, and construction divisions for the ultimate success of this project.